Teeth Whitening

It is also known commonly as Bleaching. It refers to the restoration of normal color to a tooth by decolorizing the stain present, with the help of bleaching agents. Thus, resulting in a whiter, brighter, and more pleasing smile.


  • Aesthetic (cosmetic purpose) or in the case of yellow teeth.
  • Stained teeth/ Discolored teeth.
  • Trauma to a tooth by a fall/blow resulting indirect impact to the nerve causes decomposition of pulp (nerve) tissue which results in discoloration of the tooth.
  • Medications like the tetracycline group of antibiotics, tend to stain teeth.
  • Following root canal treatment.
  • Extrinsic stains (due to tobacco, coffee, tea, smoking, etc.)

Bleaching Agents Used Are:

  • Superoxol (30% Hydrogen Peroxide)
  • Sodium perborate
  • Carbamide peroxide 20%

Types of Bleaching:

Office Bleaching:

The procedure is done in the dental clinic by the dentist. It is a single sitting procedure where the desired result is immediate.

Office Assisted or Home Bleaching:

The procedure is simple, painless, and can be done at home by the patient themself with the help of Bleaching trays (custom-made) which are provided along with the bleaching agent to the patient. Relevant instructions are given. The patient uses the bleaching agent overnight. With constant monitoring, the bleaching is generally completed in 3-4 sessions. (10-15 days).